qemu-init is a set of small tools to make the handling with qemu virtual machines easier. It is intended as an alternative to libvirt, but not as a replacement. The scope of operation is smaller and should cover the most important administration tasks only. On the other side this keeps the learning curve together with the configuration effort small. This includes a simple configuration of a virtual machine in a user friendly format  VAR=VALUE  against xml style. It is always a good idea to use the integrated tools provided by the developers of a software - by default qemu-init uses the qemu monitor other a unix socket connection and provides a very simple way to execute qemu monitor commands.

Each software is not better than its documentation. And to get familiar with qemu-init, here it is :-). As qemu-init is under active development things will change and some points have to be fixed.

qemu-init will be discussed at the qemu-init users mailing list.

Downloads: Final releases including checksum(s) are available from the download page. To download the latest release directly click here    (checksum )

Just for completeness: the latest sources are available on GitLab. To build qemu-init from these sources the qlibs are required - but there is no guarantee that they will work. Every download release contains a working snapshot of these libs. For developers only! (I would like to review patches against recognizing forks which fragments the market further. ;-))

Table of Content

Client tools